Professor Ian Robertson, international expert on mind-brain links in thought and emotion, was guest speaker at the January Entrepreneurs Network event in Lagan Valley Island last week.  

Entitled ‘Being & performing well – cultivating confidence and harnessing stress’, Professor Robertson took the 100 strong audience on a journey of confidence and how to unlock their true potential.  Through the links between the brain and emotions it is possible to both learn confidence and harness the energy from stressful situations to drive you to action.

This event was a partnership between Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council, Management Leadership Network and Danske Bank.

Alderman Amanda Grehan, Regeneration and Development Chair, speaking about the informative session said: “It was truly enlightening to hear from Professor Robertson.  As a global authority on performance, he provided our local businesses with practical strategies for building confidence, such as setting achievable goals and reframing emotions.  Through one small step at a time, they can witness positive impacts.

“Those businesses present irrespective of size heard how they can be leaders and foster collective confidence within teams.  It was refreshing to hear that alongside trust building and open communication it is OK to have some vulnerability.  This and the need to embrace failure provides a valuable learning tool to growth.  

“We collaborate with partners to facilitate opportunities to support local businesses to grow.  The session today will help both personal and professional settings thereby supporting a positive work life balance across a number of sectors” concluded Alderman Grehan.

As a neuroscientist and clinical psychologist, Ian has a unique ability to bridge the gap between brain science, human psychology and the personal challenges every single person on the planet faces from time to time. 

Professor Ian Robertson added: “I enjoy having the chance to give individuals increased confidence through the implementation of a variety of easy to follow strategies.  Optimism, hope, and self-esteem are all concepts easily confused with confidence.  But, as I showed, they differ in one fundamental way - confidence empowers action.  The positive effects of confidence on your success in the world, in persuading other people, and in building status.

“People of all ages can feel anxious and the worst thing is to not take any action to diminish this sense of threat and hopelessness.  The best thing to do is change that fear into anger.  While a dangerous and powerful emotion the purpose of anger in life is as a negotiating tool.  So there has to be a sense of action of something you want to happen, a goal, and you know who it is you're asking to achieve that goal.”

Local support available to businesses was also highlighted at the event.  One such initiative is GoSucceedNI, a dedicated initiative of tailored guidance and mentorship for aspiring and established entrepreneurs in Northern Ireland.  By joining GoSucceedNI, participants can access tools, training, and a network to help them succeed in their ventures.  Interested individuals can sign up to receive support at

All businesses from entrepreneurs to social enterprise and start-ups to global leaders can benefit by being part of the council’s entrepreneur network.  It’s committed to inspiring and equipping leaders with the tools they need to make a positive impact.