A total of 77 community and voluntary groups from across Lisburn and Castlereagh have secured funding worth almost £148,000 from the council’s Hardship Funding Programme.

We administer the programme which is funded by the Department for Communities (DfC).

It is directed towards helping local groups address hardship issues, related to the current cost of living crisis, particularly around implementation of food and energy related schemes.

At a grassroots level, the programme aims to support local communities in several ways. One is to help keep community buildings operational and, where possible, open for longer during the winter months.

Another is to support ways of tackling the impact of poverty – including community fridge initiatives, holiday hunger projects and meal plans. Money can also go towards developing or enhancing a community planting scheme to help local groups grow fruit and vegetables in community settings.

Councillor Thomas Beckett, Chair of LCCC’s Communities and Wellbeing Committee said: “I am delighted our committee has agreed to provide £147,878 to support the vulnerable in our area.

“Where possible, we aim to issue the grant funding before Christmas so groups can start to put their plans in place. As a council, we are keen to provide vital community support to help residents stay healthy, warm and included this winter.

“Through partnerships with local groups, this money will be used in a variety of ways to offer practical support – from the provision of ‘warm spaces’ to cookery classes, gardening programmes and hot food. Some groups will use their grant to cover essential utility costs to keep local facilities open.

“I commend all those groups adding new projects to their already-busy calendars. All our local groups work hard to ensure our communities address hardship, isolation and loneliness.”

The 77 groups which secured funding are:

  • 1st Maghaberry Scout Group
  • 9th Antrim Scouts Group
  • Aghalee Village Hall
  • Anahilt Playgroup
  • Annahilt and Magheraconluce Community Association
  • Annahilt Parish Church
  • Atlas Women's Centre
  • Ballinderry Moravian Church
  • Ballybeen Improvement Group
  • Ballybeen Men's Motivational Group
  • Ballymacash Neighbourhood Community Craft Group
  • Ballymacash Regeneration Network
  • Ballymacash Sports Academy
  • Burren Rural Association
  • Canal Boxing Academy
  • Carryduff GAC
  • Carryduff Play Care Centre
  • Crewe United FC
  • Damask Community Outreach
  • Deramore Community Group
  • Dreamscheme NI
  • Dromara Community Group
  • Dromara Connect
  • Dromara Village Football Club
  • Drumbeg Purple Star LOL 638
  • Drumlough community association
  • Drumlough Pipe Band
  • Drumlough True Blues LOL 423
  • Dundrod Presbyterian Church
  • Dungoyne Football Club
  • Emerge Counselling Services
  • Glenclare Community Group
  • Halftown Residents Association
  • Harry Ferguson Memorial Pipe Band
  • Helping Hands Autism Support Group
  • Hilden Community Association
  • Hill Street Residents Group
  • Hillhall Regeneration Group
  • Hillsborough Community Centre Limited
  • Hillsborough Presbyterian Church
  • HomeStart Lisburn/Colin
  • Irwins True Blues
  • Killynure Community Association
  • Knockmore Community Association
  • LaganView Enterprise Centre
  • L'Arche Belfast
  • Larchfield Community Development Association
  • Lisburn City Elim Church
  • Lisburn Cricket Club
  • Lisburn Distillery Football Club
  • Lisburn Downtown Centre
  • Lisburn Orange Hall Management Committee
  • Lisburn PSP
  • Lisburn Rangers Football Club / Lisburn Recreation & Community Hub
  • Lisburn YMCA
  • Live Life Wellbeing Centre & Social Enterprises
  • Lurganville and District Community Association
  • Maghaberry Community Association
  • Mazetown Rural Action Collective
  • Moira Friendship Group
  • Old Warren Community Association
  • Orchardville
  • Poundbridge & District Community association
  • Rathlane Care Farm
  • Saintfield Road Presbyterian Church
  • Santos Football Club
  • Seymourhill & Conway Residents Association
  • Simon Community NI
  • St John's Parish Church, Dromara
  • Stoneyford Community & Youth Association
  • Storehouse Trust Foodbank
  • Sunshine Community Playgroup
  • The Hygiene Bank (Moira Branch)
  • The Northern Ireland Prison Service Central Benevolent Fund
  • The Welcome Project
  • Tonagh Neighbourhood Initiative